
"Online Classes"

Online Classes vs Traditional  Classes 1. Accessibility:  In online classes students can attend their  from anywhere whether he is at home or he is enjoying his vacation at outstation but in traditional classes students have to go to school to attend class. 2. Health: In online class students use electronic devices that can be mobile, laptop, tablet, television etc.Use of these devices for longer period will badly affect students health. 3. Games and fitness: In traditional classes outdoor games and physical exercise are practiced regularly which are good for physics fitness but in online class there is not such choice. 4. Traffic on road:  Online classes can reduce traffic caused due to school cab to pick and drop students to school. 5. Personality Development:  Traditional classes are good for personality development but in online class to no physical interaction and personality development possible. In online class system expenditure for electronic device and...

Back Benchers can also be a Topper

We know that of course a backbenchers can surely be a Topper, it really doesn't matter if you are sitting at back or in front, you just have to make sure that you don't waste your time and utilizes it properly,just do your self study properly and you can become a Topper, one of my friend was a backbencher and she used to score decent in school examination , she was very much notorious and teacher used to scold him, but I was surprised how he managed to score well in exams and what made me more shocked was that he got a very good rank in Jee advanced and now he is in IIT Kanpur. Also the Abdul Kalam said that- There are some of the inspirational quotes that are-- So,by this quotes we understand that it really doesn't matter where you seat in your class or what company you have in your class, if you study properly at home with utmost sincerity, u can have the wrost image in the teacher eyes but wud eventually shine at the time of the result. ...